The Lucky Ones

The Lucky Ones225 miles downstream in the largest canyon in America—some people wait a lifetime for this.

T9 Model and adventure-lover Anne Conway wasn’t very optimistic when she applied for a rafting permit that most people wait a decade (or more) for. But on a whim, 15 minutes before the yearly deadline, she threw her name into the hat. Fast forward to later that evening, when she got the call: She was in.

Let the planning begin. (more…)


Cast Your Vote!

Each season we choose a “model” image for our catalog cover and web home page. Our summer season is in full swing and we need your help choosing our next hero image. Let your voice be heard!

Use the form below to cast your vote.



The 2019 Fit Fest Tour

The 2019 Fit Fest is coming to a store near you! Grab a friend and join us at one of our 19 stores to get your personalized bra fit, put our bras to the test at our Bounce-athlon, and enjoy treats and drinks while you shop! Plus, peak inside our traveling Box O’ Bras for additional sizes and styles not normally in our stores, enter to win a $150 gift card, and get 9% off all bras purchased at the event. (more…)


Meet Your Match: Our Best Bras for Your Best Workouts

Our Best Bras for Your Best WorkoutsWe’ve been told time and time again: not all bras are created equal. But somehow, here most of us are, in the same-old sweat-stained cotton number we had in college. We get it—there are so many choices out there, sometimes it’s just easier to keep on keepin’ on. But your bra isn’t something you should be stressing about when you’re focused on a PR. So, let’s get down to it:

First things first: When it comes to bras that make the girls happy, you’ve got a few things to think about:




Our Top 5 Athletic Leggings We Just Gotta Have

Maybe you’re snowed in right now. Or maybe you’re one of the lucky few who lives somewhere where winter is already starting to pack it in and the weather’s warming up.

Either way, if you’re anything like us, you’re eyeing the trails and chomping at the bit to get out there for some hiking, running, and trekking. But before you head out, it’s wardrobe update time, and at the top of our list? LEGGINGS. Specifically, the T9 kind.

workout leggings for women (more…)
