Tagged: fitness

Commit to fitness this year

Commit to stronger legs that mean a more confident stride. Commit to stronger arms that will bring more strength to our daily work and play. Commit to stronger lungs, lungs that will get to the finish line, to the top of the mountain, to the bottom of the run. Commit to your core, it’ll fuel the confidence in your soul. Commit to sports, commit to fitness and above all commit to fun.

Missy's signature

Missy Park, Founder


Unsung Heroes

Unsung heroes. Yes, there are the obvious heroes: the Dream Team—male and female, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt. But there are also the stories of a quieter, more genuine kind of inspiration. Some of my favorite moments didn’t necessarily involve marquee-athletes winning gold medals, but rather the great, unsung heroes who showed both strength and grace during adversity. (more…)
