Tagged: fitness

Do the T9 Countdown – Day 5: What’s Your Favorite Vice?

Countdown to Title IX Anniversary

Day 5: What’s Your Favorite Vice?

We’ve all have ‘em.  But admit to them?  Sure, why not!  Consider this your safe space to air out all those odd little indulgences you won’t own up to, but couldn’t kick if you tried.  We won’t judge, we promise – we’ve got plenty of our own funky fancies floating around here.

The challenge: Do you eat a pound of Gummi Bears a week?  Subscribe to People magazine?  Watch old episodes of Battlestar Galactica?  Have secret weekly Bachelor viewings?  However offbeat they may be, we want to hear about all of those embarrassingly gratifying habits.  Submit a confession and/or photo evidence and be entered to win a Limited Edition Power of 9 Tee and Title Nine Water Bottle.  See?   That time spent secretly reading vampire novels did pay off! Don’t wait, get entered>

Countdown to Title IX Anniversary - Prizes

*Prize awarded based on availability. A substitute prize of equal or greater value may be awarded.

Title Nine - 40 Years
40 years ago Congress signed landmark legislation, Title IX, attacking the gender divide in sports. Today that divide has been virtually erased. In 1972, only 30,000 girls participated in high school sports. Today it’s over 3,000,000!! Because many of us here at Title Nine, including our founder, were there in the early years, we think there’s a lot to celebrate this year.


Do the T9 Countdown – Day 3: Show Us Your Team

Title IX Anniversary Countdown

Day 3: Show Us Your Team!

Admit it – you couldn’t have gotten where you are today without a little help along the way.  Be it family or friends, teammates, teachers or pets we’ve all had someone who’s backed us up and kept us going when all we wanted to do was get cozy with Ben & Jerry.  You can’t thank them enough, so here’s your chance to show them off!

T9 Challenge - What's Your Team?

The Payoff: Love ‘em or hate ‘em (sometimes both), your team has picked you up, pushed you forward, and made you a better you.  And we want to hear about ‘em!  Share your story and/or photo below and you could win a Limited Edition Power of 9 Tee and Title Nine Water Bottle.  Remember, a team is a team, no matter what form it may take, so brag about Fido, your knitting group, or your roller derby girls.  They’ve earned it! Don’t wait, get entered>

Countdown to Title IX Anniversary - Prizes

*Prize awarded based on availability. A substitute prize of equal or greater value may be awarded.

Title Nine - 40 Years

40 years ago Congress signed landmark legislation, Title IX, attacking the gender divide in sports. Today that divide has been virtually erased. In 1972, only 30,000 girls participated in high school sports. Today it’s over 3,000,000!! Because many of us here at Title Nine, including our founder, were there in the early years, we think there’s a lot to celebrate this year.


2009 T9 Challenge

big-kahuna-bound-smFor the past few years our founder, Missy Park has presented a company wide fitness challenge that sets concrete, sweat enducing fitness goals that put our technical wear to the test. This year we’ve decided to up the ante by dedicating 2009 to a series of races (aka challenges) that lets us T9er’s work our way up to one final personal goal. Whether that be one little Waterfront 5K or the finale event, the Big Kahuna Triathlon.

We’ll be training with our own cycling, swimming, and running coacsass-attack-smhes. We’ll share our not-so-top secret training schedules and training journals with you. If you find yourself in the bay area then come and join us for any of our 2009 T9 Challenge events (listed below). We’ll be the ones in the skorts.

You can join us at:

The Presidio 10 – March 29th, 2009

Sequoia Trail Run – July 18th, 2009

Big Kahuna Triathlon – Ocotber 25th, 2009


Waterfront 5K

christina-taketag_smNow, let me clarify something: Yes, in junior high that one time I ran the Turkey Trot in my PE shoes. When I came out to the car with the frozen turkey I’d won, the first thing I saw was my mother pantomiming “Where is your saxophone?” not “Why are you carrying a frozen 12lb turkey?”

Yes, I did run track. But this was a real non-scholastic race – I’m talking about my first real race where it was me versus Little Father Time (oh do excuse my Thomas Hardy reference – but papa would be proud!) and not an awkward, gangly junior high/early high school me with bushy hair, bad skin and braces against girls who would beat me on sprints by full seconds. My events were the 100, 440 relay, 880 relay, and for a brief and fanciful time after much provocation from the coach, 440 hurdles.) In the end I suppose I was quick, but I wasn’t necessarily fast, depending on where you base your comparisons. I was a soccer player, a mid-fielder, conditioned to endure 90 plus minutes of sprinting, quick bursts, ball handling and sheer power behind shots (not that I took any, always the assist-er, never the assist-ee;) I was no runner.

Then the company challenge rolled around. The 2009 challenge culminates in a half-Ironman triathalon in September 2009. For whatever reason, my mind was made up; this was the year. I decided to do it.

Then I remembered I’m not a cyclist or much of a swimmer (unless you give me a wetsuit, board and some fins, I’m golden then!) Also?

Okay, I admit it. Over a decade of playing soccer and no, I’m not a runner.

Really, I’mchristina-jen_sm not ashamed; they’re just truly two very different things. Being the good little monkey I am, I tried to educate myself some via Runner’s World (and not just because we’ve worked with them, thanks, I knew they were reputable prior to my employment.) Over pronation, under pronation, what the nation, I had no idea. After reading up some and consulting vendor catalogs, I prodealt some shoes for myself. Quickly I realized that utilizing my discount was not the fastest way to get shoes, so I stopped by my local Fleet Feet. The gal that helped me knew me to a T; lucky for me, she was a soccer player herself and understood that my concept of running shoe =cleats. I had no idea what good running shoes should feel like! I expected them to be hard, to feel the ground and anything near my foot, form fitted, tight, all the way to my toes. After comparison testing, I chose a cushiony pair of Sauconys. Little did I know my race partner Jenni would buy the same pair – having never seen mine – a few days later! (We’ve dubbed ourselves Team Bad-Ass Shoes. Well, “Shoes” is optional.)

Running with a buddy helped me loads! Sadly I lost a furry, feline little brother the day before the race. Thirteen years is pretty old for a one-kidney’d cat, but it still hurt and I felt almost like maybe I wouldn’t make it. However, I had paid for the race, talked about it, Houdini was busy chasing endless lizards in kitty heaven and my partner and I had committed to crossing that line just to cross it. The down-and-back course was great for morale; every time I heard a small cheer go up, I knew that it was my co-workers passing more co-workers, and while we were all racing the clock truly we were running as a team.

title-nine-successAt any rate, my first 5K is done and I can already say I think I am hooked! The race times cannot be posted fast enough (I was too busy “finishing strong,” hearing my boss yelling encouragement, to see my time,) and I am already looking to the next one.

[EDIT: Race times have been posted – 30:44 for a 5K they said was too long by almost 100 yards. Not too shabby!…but I can beat that. Till next time!]


Physical Fitness vs Fiscal Fitness

At times it seems like a pretty crazy world, one that even really great minds can’t seem to get a fix on, one that seems completely beyond control. But I can and we all can, take control of the balance sheet that is our life. I can stop worrying about my fiscal fitness and actually do something about my physical fitness. I can’t control the markets but I can control my mind, my body, my attitude.

The rest will have to take care of itself because I am going for a run.

Wanna Come?

Missy's signature

Missy park, Founder
