Brought to you by Vitamin Sport*

The sight, the feel, the strength of a muscle where you never knew one existed.

The confidence born of physical competence.

The camaraderie that comes form working, winning, and losing together as a team.

The courage to put it all on the line, and then do it again.

The experience of surviving and thriving after a failure…even a very public one.

The unmatched joy of a race well-run, a game well-played or a victory hard-fought.

So this summer, get your daily dose of vitamin S followed by a chocolate chaser.

Doctor’s orders,
Missy's signature

Missy Park

*Actual results may vary but you do not need to consult a physician to get started


My Favorite Things

Girls playing sports just for the fun of it.

Boys playing sports just for the fun of it.

Ibuprofen, an aging athlete’s best friend.

Southwest Airlines and their awesome employees.

Sweet, home-brewed tea with lots of lemon.

A mountain bike ride on single track.

Fried chicken.

Alone time.

Valrhona chocolate.

And your favorite things? Share ’em with me and others below.

Missy's signature

Missy Park


Fitness Friday – April 2011

We were at it again last week with another Fitness Friday! Not only do we get to shut down early to participate in a variety of fitness activities, but more importantly, we get to challenge ourselves and learn something new. This time around there was rope wall yoga, water polo and kayaking.

Let us know what we should try for our next Fitness Friday!



My definition of insanity…

1) Competitive team sports for kids under 10

2) Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome

3) Any diet with one ingredient

4) 24-hour “news”

5) Our tax code

6) “Gifted” children… How do they know?

7) Thin thighs in thirty days

8) High heels

What’s your definition of insanity?

Missy's signature

Missy Park
