
At Title Nine we are committed to helping girls get off the sidelines and into the game. We know firsthand the power of sports and teamwork to shape who we are, and who we grow to become. That’s why we are hosting Back to Sports Fridays this September. Shop at any of our Title Nine stores on the last four Fridays in September and 9% of our sales will be donated to a local chapter of the Girls on the Run, a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring and motivating girls through sports.

Girls on the Run

We saw the impact of Girls on the Run when we hosted a local chapter at our T9 Mermaid Run Spokane this past June. There is nothing more inspiring than the smile on a young runner’s face as she crosses her first finish line – rivaled only by the smile on the face of her Run Buddy.

Sports like running teach girls lifelong health and fitness, confidence, goal setting, and teamwork. We want as many girls as possible to have that crossing-the-finish-line smile, which is why Title Nine is committed to supporting girls’ sports organizations.

Shop and Support!

An organization dedicated to “creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential,” is just the kind of organization we can get behind, and we hope you can too! Join us in supporting Girls on the Run at our Back to Sports Fridays this September!