Author: aclerget

Mountain Biking: A Love Story

If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Or in this case, take a moment to pause, gain some new perspective and most importantly, give yourself some credit! Thanks again to Amy of Expand Outdoors for beautiful insight to tackling new challenges, and patting ourselves on the back. 

amybiking4“I’m slow” had been a mantra for me ever since I got into outdoor activities. I would be painfully aware that I was bringing up the rear, the slowest person on the trail (or in the pool, or on the road). I constantly feared I was holding my friends and companions back, so developed a habit of apologizing for being so slow. And worse, an excuse to not get out there at all in an effort to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment and incompetence.



Bras for the Ho’opa

As part of our Starting Block program here at Title Nine, the Bra Brigade functions to provide sports bras to girls who haven’t had the opportunity to experience solid, comfortable support. We’ve connected with everyone from a local high school running club to breast cancer survivors training for a triathlon. In this particular case we worked with the parents and coaches for the Ho’opa girls volleyball team in Hawaii to get them fitted for their new bras. The girls then went on to compete in nationals on the mainland!

If you or anyone you know is working with a group of at-risk girls who are in need of some “support”, send them our way! Drop us a line at and we’ll be happy to see what we can do for you!

Ho'opa Hawaii Bras 1 (more…)


The Journey of the Skirt: Bringing Out My Inner Badass

You never know where or when you’re going to discover your inner badass. Some don’t believe they have one, but trust me, we all do and she is waiting for you to find her. Sometimes it happens in the middle of the race when you’re in so much pain your eyeballs hurt, but you find a force you didn’t know you had and cross that finish line. That’s your inner bad ass. Or maybe your friends invited you mountain biking and by the end of the day, you were the one breaking the trail. Well, in this case our girl Amy found her inner badass ala a Title Nine skirt. Read on, be inspired and then go out and find your own inner badass. She’s waiting for you. 

Hiking one of the side canyons (photo credit: Jenna Boisvert, Backcountry Babes)

Hiking one of the side canyons (photo credit: Jenna Boisvert, Backcountry Babes)

I didn’t know the skirt was magic when I bought it.

I was simply looking for something practical and cute to wear while rafting the Grand Canyon this summer and thought that a skirt would be a fun alternative to my board shorts.

I found it (at Title Nine, of course) only a week before I left, and with its fun flip at the bottom, pockets for my iPhone/camera, and quick-dry material perfect for wearing around the water, I fell immediately in love. (more…)




Bring on the season. Bring on the challenge. Bring on the new year. Whatever it is, we’re ready. What are you ready for? Do you see yourself taking less time for preparation and just getting out there, getting it done? Being the first to hit the trail while everyone else decides which socks to wear? Throwing on that dress right out of the dryer, tossing on some boots and heading out the door while someone else can’t decide which stockings are the cutest? Be light, be easy and you’ll astound yourself with what you can accomplish.

Are you ready?
