Tagged: Missy’s Musings

Get Outside Together


When I need to re-kindle my sense of optimism, I head into the outdoors. It’s there, amongst family and friends, and dirt and trees, that I’m reminded of all that I hold dear about my community and this great (and messy and flawed and striving) country of ours. (more…)


It’s In Our Hands


Yes, the election season is all but over but the movement towards a more perfect nation continues still. And THAT result remains in OUR hands, in ALL of our hands. It is (and always has been) in our hands regardless of whether “our guy” or “our gal” wins or loses. (more…)


Carry On!

CarryOn_Kicker_0804We carry a lot. We carry our teams, we carry our children, we carry housework and dumbbells and elections and emotions.

Sometimes we carry so much that it feels like we don’t have enough places to hold it all. (more…)


Open in Case of Emergence


“Come on in, the water’s fine.”

I love this phrase. It does not say that the water is safe or warm or perfect, but it is fine. And that’s the world we are all going to emerge into over the next weeks and months: a world that is fine. (more…)
