Tagged: activewear

Mothers of Invention

we are a band of women just like you

Some call us creators, inventors, and trailblazers. Others call us “mom.” But we’re a band of women just like you.

We are athletes and designers, product testers and product users, outdoor adventurers
and playground monitors, and we deserve gear that fits our bodies, our lives, our adventures.

For over three decades, we’ve been solving the tricky performance apparel problems for women athletes and adventurers. Let’s call them “Women’s Problems.” (more…)


It Started With Pockets: The Round Trip Collection

1Pockets are a cultural thing at T9HQ, tracing back to pre-suffragette struggles, and one that we take seriously and very personally. The one-liner version of history on this is that women had their pocket rights revoked and were purposely burdened with purses and bags to slow them down. So, it makes sense that at Title Nine – where we’re all about empowering women to do more, and move more – we demand pockets.

We’ve been at this game for over thirty years now, and from handwarmer to stash, to envelope, cargo, and zippered, we thought we’d done them all. It turns out that we were just getting started. (more…)
