Pop the Question

Our most-asked-questions always seem to involve our real women “models.” Like most of us, our T9 models are ordinary women leading ordinary lives AND doing extraordinary things. So here’s your chance to get to know our models, the real women sporting our gear!

Send us your burning questions. What’s your earliest memory?? What was your worst date?? Do you think you have a calling in life?? Post your questions below then check out our catalog and web site for the inside information!



For me, strength starts with my body, and as my body grows stronger and more competent, it fuels a strength in my spirit. It fuels the strength to

Say no and mean it.

Say yes and mean it.

Take a risk and fail.

Take a risk and succeed.

It fuels the strength to quit.

And, begin again.

Missy's signature

Missy Park


Daylight Saving Time

Some call it National Groggy Day because you lose an hour of sleep.  We like to think of it as gaining an extra hour of daylight for more running time on the trail or longer bike rides after work.  What are you going to do with that extra hour of daylight?


How Many Steps Do You Take?

Title Nine has a wonderfully creative bean counter who likes to share fun facts along with the regular ho-hum stats. One of our faves: in 2009 the gals in our retail stores walked (and likely skipped and hopped a bit) 55,404 miles during work!!! Do you use a pedometer to keep track of your tracks? If so how many steps do you take per day/month/year?

There's a lotta room to cover in there!


Fitness Fridays 2010

This last week marked our first Fitness Friday of 2010. For those who don’t know what Fitness Friday is, periodically throughout the year, we at Title Nine close down our offices and team up for an afternoon of sport. The activities vary and are designed to be challenging, fun and sometimes a bit whacky. All of it enhances our internal team and builds relationships with our fellow T9ers. For this last Fitness Friday, we speed skated, bowled and rock climbed. Monday morning was full of chatter about how much fun we all had and more than a few hilarious stories were exchanged. We’ve posted some photos (and video) of our adventures…now everyone’s going to know (if you didn’t know already) how silly we all are!

Do ya’ll participate in your own Fitness Fridays? We’d love to hear about how others are staying fit and building teams!
