Yes & No


Say YES | NO:

to a workout with friends | to another session on the ellipitcal

to quantity time | to quality time

to fried chicken | to beets

to the Sunday New York Times | to daily “news”

to community | to Facebook

to summer boredom | to summer fully-booked

to Kindle app | to books

to mountain biking | to stretching

What do you say YES or NO to?

Share it with me.

– Missy Park –


Tips To Squeeze In That Evening Training

We all know the feeling. You finally get your workout/training groove down pat and you find yourself satisfied with the current routine when BAM – life happens and you have to adjust all over again! Now that school is kicking back into gear we’re guessing there are a few of you Mom’s and Dad’s out there who may be having to give up that morning run to coordinate  the hustle and bustle of the morning – packing lunches, coordinating showers, brushing teeth, making beds and getting into the car on time to make it school. Or, like us you’ve noticed it takes a little longer for that sun to get out of bed in the morning and you’re trying to adjust to post-work workouts. Well thanks to Women’s Running we’ve got some great tips that will help you stay on track and be committed to your training:

1. Keep workout gear in your car or at your office. Did your last meeting run late or an unexpected errand threaten to derail your plans? Never fear- travel with your gear! Don’t let a last minute change of plans throw off your training plan. By keeping a set of running clothes and shoes with you at all times, you can run from anywhere, anytime. (more…)


Celebrating Title IX’s Birthday with Chicago Sky

The girls in their courtside seats on the sidelines.

We love it when our stores have the opportunity to get out into the community and share some Title Nine feel-good vibes. This last week our girls from the Title Nine Evanston and Lincoln Park stores were able to make some dreams come true by sponsoring 81 athletes from Girls on the Run, Girls Rock and Girls in the Game to attend a Chicago Sky WNBA game. Between giving away goodie bags and seeing Olympic Gold Medalists, they made one heck of a night out of it!

Title IX shirts by Chicago Sky

Before the game the girls were able to watch the Chicago Sky team warm up which also meant they got sneak peeks of Olympic Gold Medalists up-close and personal! Too cool for them to see their idols so close! And too cool for our girls to be there and share it with them! The team also happened to be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Title IX that night and  were giving away free t-shirts and sporting warm-up jerseys in honor of the legislative bill. It was just meant to be for the crew to be there!

Of course, it wouldn’t be a great Title Nine event if we didn’t bring along some goodies to give away to our biggest fans! So the stores brought plenty of T9 goodies and hosted a raffle to give away the surprises in the second half. Two lucky ladies went away with T9 Tee’s, Smartwool Socks, and water bottles while the final Grand Prize winner scored a $250 gift card!

Happy Winner!

Loving her new bag of goodies!

It was so wonderful to see so many Mom’s and daughters out for the game, excited to be there and having a little bit of fun. Being able to provide Girls on the Run, Girls Rock and Girls in the Game with a great experience was definitely rewarding because they are three organizations that speak directly to something we hold very highly around around here – getting at-risk girls off the sidelines and onto the field. Or in Girls Rock’s case, behind a microphone! Many thanks and high-fives to those who are working to keep those organizations a success. If you’d like to learn more about Girls on the Run click here; Girls Rock, here: and Girls in the Game, here.




Power of Nine Winner – In More Ways Than One

This is a guest post from our gal who works in eCommerce, Amy. She worked directly with the winners from our Power of Nine Challenge and has such been in constant contact with Jamie the Grand Prize winner, organizing her plane tickets to our Title 9K in Chicago. Amy intended to write a piece focused on Jamie and her back story, who she is and where she’s from, how she found Title Nine and the like. But when she got to writing all the facts flew out the window and a description of Jamie as a person, a wonderful person, came to fruition in their place. Enjoy.

I work in Marketing. Behind a screen. Sending out any vibes I can through the tips of my fingers, rapidly pushing on the keys in front of me. Conveying to everyone how happy their excitement and pleasure in our product and our company makes me can be a challenge for a girl with a limited vocabulary. I often find myself at a loss of words and half ashamed to continually tell them they are “awesome, amazing, wonderful, and beautiful”, but in reality, that’s what they are. These women I’ve found myself connecting with are INCREDIBLE women. Incredible. They are doing their part to make the day okay. In any small way they can. Today I received the picture from our gal the Grand Prize winner from the Power of 9 giveaway, and the sight of it brought me to tears. I mean, look at her! 🙂 Her smile was and is, one of the most genuine, gleeful, proud and honestly thrilled to be in the moment photos I’ve seen in a long time. Sheer, complete, truthful joy! The look on her face wearing her new Title 9 t-shirt with a tennis racket, golf club and soccer ball in one hand, is a look I’m certain parents have the privilege of enjoying on their kids on a summer day. She’s beautiful. She’s happy. And to top it off, she had just finished her fastest mile as part of her T9K training program 🙂 She’s a teacher. She has daughters. And she’s enjoying every last moment of her summer that she can. And taking the time that I know she doesn’t have to put on her new shirt, find some props, and talk someone into taking her picture to send to the pesky marketing gal at the home office. Jamie my dear, you are a doll. You put in more than one exclamation point despite it being a grammatical error because dang it, you’re excited. We sign our emails “love”. We address each other by our initials. You’re my long lost Midwestern pen pal. Thank you for reminding me what life is all about and how wonderful it will continue to be… if you let it. If you’re open to it. You are a beautiful gal – there are far too few like you. Rock on JMG – you’re going to be great come that October race day.


New Bras Like These Deserve an Introduction

Fall has brought us (and you) a slew of new goodies, but there are 3 new bras in the stores that we think are worth mentioning. Instead of asking you to read, investigate and ask questions, we called in a field expert (our Bravangelist Istari in the Portland store) and asked her to relay why we’re in love with these new pieces and why we can’t wait for you to try on a few. Time to get your fit on ladies! There’s a bra for every one of you in this line-up!

Lace 24-7 Bra

Meet the 24-7s pretty little sister. Made of a poly/nylon spandex this lace bra is a great new option for A/B cup gals looking for a light weight day-wear or travel bra. The internal sling system, adjustable straps and no nonsense band make this bra a perfect fit. The performance super lace gives this bra extra support and an “invisible” appearance under your favorite shirt or dress. Just like its little sister, this bra is packed with a pretty lace exterior that will charm you and a secret stubborn side that will support you from playing in the park to dining out at your favorite restaurant.

Updated Cuz-She-Says-So

Fans of the Bye-Bye Bounce rejoice! The Updated Cuz-She-Says-So provides the support of a sports bra and the shaping of a day-wear bra, much like the Bye-Bye Bounce did. Made from a poly/spandex, this bra has it all. Breathable powermesh provides great support without that “soggy” feeling, an underwire and stabilization panels provide superior lift and seam-free double lined cups support your girls from fierce workout to fabulous dinner. This bra will certainly be a favorite for C, D and DD gals.



Booby Trap

If you want a ton of firm support, but you hate wresting into your bra, this high-tech bra is for you!  It combines the fantastic hold of the 7-wonders with the ease and adjustability of the 3-Reasons. Made from a smooth combination of poly/spandex, this bomb proof bra will support you through anything. A wide chest-band creates no-roll support, while adjustable padded straps and a 3 hook back closure provide the perfect fit. (Note: For the best fit, we recommend sizing up one cup size). Just like its name, this bra is the perfect trap for your girls. From a Triathlon in Hawaii to scaling the Chimney in Yosemite, the Booby Trap provides the support you need so you can focus on what really matters.
