Category: Interact

Stuff Your Stocking!

Pinterest and Holidays go together like peas and carrots, trails and running, or dance music and a good workout.  Have you seen our boards recently? For the holiday we created a new one titled “Santa’s Sleigh” and anytime you re-pin any of the product to your own “Stocking Stuffer” board you will be entered  to win a $100 gift card. On Christmas Eve we will randomly pick one of you as the winner and then it’s up to you to fill your stocking with real Title Nine goodies! Happy Pinning! And don’t forget to check your pins for a message from us to see if you’ve won!



Everything I know about the game of life, I first learned on a field or a court. So many good lessons, here are a few:

-Don’t be sorry; be better.
-Whether you think you’re a loser or you think you’re a winner, you’re right.
-Practice makes permanent…like nothing else does.
-The scoreboard never lies.
-When you miss a shot, get back and play defense.
-There actually is a “me” in team, but the team is always bigger.
-When it’s time to get down to sports (or business), make sure your hair is out of your eyes.

What are some of the lessons you’ve learned from sport?

Missy Park



The measure of fitness is not how slowly a heart beats but how quickly it recovers from exertion. Fitness training is a way of building our body’s resilience. Yes, there’s some pain involved, but with each work-out our body recovers more quickly, becoming more prepared for additional challenges.

But what about our emotional resilience? How do we train ourselves and our kids to recover quickly? Building emotional resilience is not so different from building physical resilience. I have to put myself in a position to fail, to flag and to flail, knowing that it WILL make me stronger.

Even more difficult, I’ve got to allow my kids to fail. And I have to know that it is at that instance of failure that the learning really starts. I have to restrain myself from swooping in and “fixing it.” That is probably the biggest challenge: reminding myself that it is good for the setbacks and the learning to start early, far better than allowing the first setback to occur in high school or college.

So how do you train resilience in yourself and your kids?

Missy Park


Power of 9 T-Shirt Design Winners

We’re excited to announce our t-shirt design contest winners! If you’ll remember, next year is the 40th Anniversary of Title IX, (the federal legislation that brought girls off the sidelines and onto the playing fields all across America). To celebrate this milestone, we have a few plans in the making; one of them being some limited edition tees (that celebrate the Power of 9). So, to kick things off, we had y’all submit your tee shirt designs. Thanks to all who submitted an entry!

Wow, was it a tough decision…we have some pretty talented folks out there! After deliberating, we selected these 3 designs as winners. Heidi, Colette and Abby will receive $100 T9 gift cards.

Heidi – Oshkosh, WI

Colette – Burbank, CA

Abby – Telluride, CO


Bra Adventure

Updated 9/27/11 3:30PM – Thanks for sharing your bra adventures! We’ve picked two lucky winners, Bridget and Victoria!

An American woman was airlifted from a Germany mountainside after sending an SOS signal with her bra. That’s quite a bra adventure if you ask us. If you have a bra adventure of your own we’d love to hear about it! Post your story below by 9/25/11. We’ll pick our favorite story on 9/27/11 and will send the writer a free bra.

Speaking of bra adventures, don’t forget to check out our Big Adventure Bra Sale* where you can save up to 20% on select bras.

*Sale ends Sunday, September 25, 2011.
