Author: Zoe Gutterman

Free Surf Lessons

When we surf in community, we're a safe space

Color the Water is changing the surf narrative in southern California — from the territorial and exclusive Blue Crush-esque scene to an inclusive community where people of color are stoked to paddle out, catch waves, and connect with their power in the ocean.

Lizelle Jackson is the force behind that change. A former collegiate athlete, it wasn’t until her 20’s that she dove into the sport. Often the sole Black woman surfer on the coast of southern California fighting for every wave, she faced head-on the lack of representation and safe space for people of color in the sport.



The Rise of Difficult Women

title ix the rise of difficult women

That’s us. Difficult and proud to be.

Since the passage of Title IX legislation in 1972, we’ve blazed trails, rooted our cleats in the clay, and anchored ourselves on the mountaintop.

Over the past 50 years, stats show women’s participation in sport has increased by more than 1000% at the high school level and more than 600% at the college level. (more…)
