Author: Missy Park

Learning Curve Moments

When’s the last time you tried something for the first time?

Earlier this year, I found myself wondering if, amidst the busyness of job, family, community and commitments, I had let my learning muscles go a little soft.  Perhaps I’d gotten too good at being pretty good, too comfortable in my well-worn competence.   But can I actually jump back onto the steep part of the learning curve?  Now, I think, is a good time to find out.  Will you join me?  Share your learning curve moments in the comments section below.

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Missy Park, Founder


What we know now

We know that listening to more financial news does not make us feel better.  But a good walk, run, or ride does.
We know that some days it is nothing short of a miracle that we fit our workout in.
We know that a good sports bra is the key to a good workout.
We know that the best apparel can go through the washer and dryer.
We know that our happiest times are not spent behind a desk.
We know that the shortest distance between two points is not always the best way to travel.

What do you know now? Share the wisdom below.

Missy's signature
Founder, Missy Park


Failing Enthusiastically

“Success is moving from failure to failure enthusiastically.”
Winston Churchill

Some may feel sorry for, or even derisive of, the Sarah Palins, Martha Stewarts and Carly Fiorinas of the world. My own response is often tinged with a bit of envy, “Wow, I bet she’s learning a lot.”

Success may be the kindest teacher, but failure is a very efficient one.
Never do I learn more than when I am in the midst of a colossal failure.
It’s this kind of learning which delivers a confidence, a confidence forged best in the furnace of failure.

So here’s to having not only the confidence to risk failure but the enthusiasm to embrace it. Let’s start now:  sharing and celebrating our failures and the learning that came with them.

Can’t get enough? Read about Title Nine’s Annual “Big Mistake” Contest. There is a method to the Madness.


Yes she did

“When she bounded onto the stage in her sleeveless dresses, with her muscular post-Title IX arms in full view, the definition of a strong woman changed”.


But no, Michelle Obama did not change the definition of a strong woman. She just revealed something that has been going on, hidden in plain sight, for a long, long time. A whole generation of us, we post Title IX women, have been making our mark on the world by the choices we make and the compromises that we have refused to make. We are fit and powerful, buoyed by the strength we found on the fields and courts of our girlhoods.

She does all of us post-Title IXer’s proud, But Michelle Obama is not singular, just the most visible of a whole generation of fit, powerful, post Title IX women. When we celebrate her, we are in fact, celebrating our own strength, our own true selves. And, …

We’ve only just begun.

Missy's signature

Missy Park, Founder


Physical Fitness vs Fiscal Fitness

At times it seems like a pretty crazy world, one that even really great minds can’t seem to get a fix on, one that seems completely beyond control. But I can and we all can, take control of the balance sheet that is our life. I can stop worrying about my fiscal fitness and actually do something about my physical fitness. I can’t control the markets but I can control my mind, my body, my attitude.

The rest will have to take care of itself because I am going for a run.

Wanna Come?

Missy's signature

Missy park, Founder
