Author: Missy Park


-Use your outside voice

-A pull up

-Change your own tire

-Hold your ground

-Take the last piece

-Grab the brass ring

-Be a bad mother, just for a minute

-Catch a fish

-Hike or run – by yourself

-Learn to make a real fire; the kind with kindling

-Laugh really loud

-Something, everyday

Missy Park


Coach A Kid

Coach a kid this fall or better yet, coach your own!

Yep, its back-to-school and that of course, also means back-to-sports. This fall when those volunteer, sign-up notices start to fill your inbox, I hope you’ll join me in trying your hand at coaching. Yes, I know snack duty is tempting and far less daunting. But imagine the impact if every kid’s mom volunteered to coach.

Our sons and daughters need to see us out on the sports field, they need to see us lead and they need to see how we lead, especially when we don’t quite know what we’re doing. I’d never played or coached soccer when I first started coaching, but I quickly discovered my big advantage… I am an adult and they are kids. After that, things got a whole lot easier.

In the end, I learned a lot about soccer, but I learned more about myself and found entrée into the Technicolor lives of a whole group of wonderful, now-teenagers.

So this fall, I hope you’ll join me on the field or court!

Missy Park


What would your Title Nine caption be?

Perhaps you think the real women on our pages are super women. Perhaps you think their lives are unattainable.

Perhaps you think the whole thing is just a made-up, marketing mirage. But take a minute to think about what your own caption might look like, a caption that gives voice only to the good, a caption that does not allow negativity or self-censorship.

Could you even see yourself in your own caption? Post your caption below and see if you recognize the woman in the words.

If you don’t, I hope you’ll start to. She’s pretty amazing. Or post a friend’s…will she recognize herself?

I’ll finish with this caption, does it sound like someone you might know?

mom, graphic designer, business owner, elite runner

In her free time:
fine artist, community builder, all that and no clothes dryer!

Missy's signature

Missy Park


Brought to you by Vitamin Sport*

The sight, the feel, the strength of a muscle where you never knew one existed.

The confidence born of physical competence.

The camaraderie that comes form working, winning, and losing together as a team.

The courage to put it all on the line, and then do it again.

The experience of surviving and thriving after a failure…even a very public one.

The unmatched joy of a race well-run, a game well-played or a victory hard-fought.

So this summer, get your daily dose of vitamin S followed by a chocolate chaser.

Doctor’s orders,
Missy's signature

Missy Park

*Actual results may vary but you do not need to consult a physician to get started


My Favorite Things

Girls playing sports just for the fun of it.

Boys playing sports just for the fun of it.

Ibuprofen, an aging athlete’s best friend.

Southwest Airlines and their awesome employees.

Sweet, home-brewed tea with lots of lemon.

A mountain bike ride on single track.

Fried chicken.

Alone time.

Valrhona chocolate.

And your favorite things? Share ’em with me and others below.

Missy's signature

Missy Park
